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Unable are the loved to die, for love is immortality.
Emily Dickinson

Do you ever find that people are so scared to talk about death that you can’t open up and express your own thoughts and feelings?


Join other adults and Take Time to Talk at Bowral’s Death Cafe - an afternoon of open and insightful discussion about death and dying.

While this is not a support group for bereavement, a Death Cafe seeks to increase awareness of death and dying, and to provide a non-judgmental platform for those wishing to just talk.  Death Cafe is a social enterprise that has been running for more than 18 years in over 75 countries. 

Come with an open mind, a healthy curiosity, and a willingness to share your thoughts, feelings, and questions with other like-minded individuals.

Led by Bowral resident and End of Life Doula, Patsy Bingham, my next Death Cafe will take place at the end August/early September 2024.  Please book in by calling Patsy on 0416 212 219 or email to and I would be happy to place you on a mailing list.​

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